1. GENERAL REFUND POLICY – When a participant cancels their registration for a class or program, the NECC will provide a class credit as follows:
- If the participant withdraws at least two business days (business days are Monday – Friday, excluding holidays) prior to the start of the class or activity, the participant will receive a class credit reflecting the total amount paid for the program.
- We are unable to provide a refund or class credit if the participant withdraws fewer than two business days prior to the start of the class or activity.
- We are unable to prorate classes for students leaving a class early or missing a class during the session. If a participant misses a regularly scheduled class, we are unable to offer a make-up class.
- If the participant does not attend a class or program, we are unable to provide a class credit or refund. (See #6 Illness Policy exceptions).
2. AFTER SCHOOL TIME REFUND POLICY – When a participant withdraws from After School Time, the NECC will provide a class credit as follows:
- In order to receive a credit for a future After School Time enrollment, you must withdraw your child from After School Time at least 2 business days prior to the day of care. Credit expires at the end of the school year.
- If you withdraw your child from After School Time fewer than 2 business days prior, we will not be able to issue a credit. Exceptions if your child is in any CDC-recommended quarantine.
3. CAMP REFUND POLICY – When a participant withdraws from a Camp, the NECC will provide a class credit or refund by check as follows:
- A full refund is only available if the participant withdraws at least two weeks prior to the start of camp.
- If the participant withdraws between 5-13 days prior to camp, NECC will provide a 50% refund or account credit.
- We are unable to provide a refund or account credit if the participant withdraws fewer than 5 days prior to the start of camp.
4. NECC WEATHER-RELATED CANCELLATIONS OR CLOSURES – Northeast Community Center will make schedule adjustments during extreme weather events to minimize exposure to extreme temperatures or unsafe conditions. If conditions become unsafe indoors, NECC will cancel programs and notify all registered participants. While the Northeast Community Center has an HVAC system with upgraded heating, cooling, and ventilation, we will cancel programs if the building’s indoor air temperature becomes unsafe. When the NECC cancels an activity or closes the facility due to inclement weather or other events outside the NECC’s control, the NECC may provide a class credit as follows:
- The NECC will attempt to schedule a makeup class. If the NECC schedules a makeup for the class, no class credit will be issued to the participant.
- If no makeup is offered, the NECC will automatically apply a class credit to the participant’s account for the pro-rated amount of the class; a refund is not available for cancellations due to inclement weather.
Air Quality Policy:
- To monitor the Air Quality Index (AQI) NECC will use
- Outdoor AQI 101-150: Outdoor programs will be moved indoors when possible.
- AQI 151+: All outdoor programs will be moved indoors or canceled if no space is available.
5. NECC CANCELLATIONS – When the NECC cancels an activity or closes the facility due to instructor illness or other non-weather-related events, the NECC will provide a class credit as follows:
- The NECC will attempt to schedule a makeup class. If the NECC schedules a makeup for the class, no class credit will be issued to the participant.
- If no makeup is offered, the NECC will automatically apply a class credit to the participant’s account for the pro-rated amount of the class.
- If the participant prefers, they can request a refund for the pro-rated amount of the class; this refund will be provided by check within 10 business days of the withdrawal, regardless of initial payment method.
- The NECC will provide a class credit if the participant is in any CDC-recommended quarantine.
- A class credit will be recorded on the participant’s account and can be used as payment towards a future class or program; the class credit is not applicable to membership dues.
- Please note that a class credit will expire as follows:
- After 1 year, a class credit of <$25 will expire
- After 2 years, a class credit of $25 to <$100 will expire
- After 3 years, a class credit of $100+ will expire.