Open Swim
Open Swim is a great time for families to play in the water, friends to catch up and float, or to work on your aqua-aerobic exercises.
During open swim there are no lanes in the pool and there is an NECC lifeguard on duty. Part of membership or drop-in for $15/day (adults) or $7/day (youth).
There is no preregistration for open swim, but we do have a capacity of 25 people in the pool at once to maintain a safe lifeguard to swimmer ratio.
If there is important information you would like a Lifeguard to know about you or your children to help have a better open swim experience please let them know! It can be difficult for a Lifeguard to have a conversation while guarding the pool so it is best to speak to the on-duty Lifeguard prior to getting into the water.
We do not allow the following items in our pool:
- Water Guns
- Large Inflatables

Supervision Requirements:
- Children ages 0-6 need to be accompanied by an adult in the water.
- Children ages 7-9 can be in the pool by themselves, so long as a caregiver over the age of 12 is supervising from the pool deck or bleacher area.
- Any child under the age of 13 must pass a swim test to swim in the deep end of the pool.
- A Lifeguard may require a swim test of those older than 13 if they are unsure if the participant has the skills necessary to swim safely in the deep end of the pool.
- The swim test will consists of swimming 20 yards, non-stop without touching the ground or the wall, on the swimmers front while demonstrating comfort with face in the water and ability to breath without stopping, followed by a 10 second back float or tread. Goggles may be used, but no other swim equipment is allowed. The Lifeguard will determine whether a swimmer has demonstrated they are safe to swim in the deep end through this swim test.
All Ages Open Swim
Fridays 6:00 – 7:45pm
Saturdays 1:20 – 2:45pm
Adult Open Swim
Wednesdays 1:20 – 2:20pm
No Adult Open Swim on 2/26, 3/19, 4/23, 5/21.
For the most up-to-date scheduling check our facility schedule below.